Sunday, January 30, 2011


They say that there is no price on enriching your soul.  Well, Books a Million has put an arbitrary price on it, and let me tell you -- someone's getting rich off the enrichment of my soul and the souls of others!

All kidding aside... I went to Books a Million yesterday and finally invested in a good Bible.  And I mean a good Bible.  It's a side by side study Bible, where each page is split in half: the left side is the NIV version, and the right side is the Message version.  I also purchased a Bible cover and Bible Book Tabs!

I am very excited about finally having a good Bible.  I have two Bibles already, but they are both KJV, which is really hard for me to understand.  So I'm excited to have a Bible that I can read and understand, and which has even further clarification on the other half of the page should I need it!  But there are a few reasons that I purchased a new Bible.  The first of which is that my Sunday School class is going to be doing a legitimate Bible Study!!  :) :) I am thrilled about this because I've never really done a Bible study before.  Sure; I grew up in the church and heard all the stories, but our Youth group never did much with Bible study -- they just did faith enrichment, so to speak (mission trips, charity work, devotions from Chicken Soup for the Soul).  So I don't really know the Bible like I should.  Another reason is that I am feeling a strong call to hear God's word and live closer to Him.  I am searching for meaning, and I feel the call to find that meaning in the Good Book.  Along these same lines; I am looking to begin the journey to being Saved.  I was Christened as an infant, and Confirmed as a teen, but I never really had that ceremony where I commit myself to Christ.  To being a Christian.  And that's something that I'm feeling a strong pull towards -- feeling that out.  Beginning that education.  Walking towards that commitment. 

I spoke to the pastor of my church this morning about this.  About getting more involved, seeking out direction, heading towards a "Saved" experience.  And he was (obviously) very encouraging of this.  Said he'd like to begin with some Scripture reading/studying with me.  So I'll be heading to the church office tomorrow to begin feeling this process out.

I am apprehensive.  Not about seeking a deeper relationship with Christ and with God.  But about getting more involved with Church.  I love this Church.  The way it's organized.  What they believe in.  How they worship.  But the people... I haven't exactly made strong connections with many of the attenders/members, and most of them are families.  I'm kind of the odd man out -- a young single, non-military girl in the midst of young families and military husbands/wives.  I want to make friends; but I'm not sure if this is the place for me to do so.

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