Sunday, September 29, 2013

1 Small Step at a Time...

No temptation has overtaken you except that which is common to man. And God is faithful -- he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  And when you are tempted, he will provide a way out so that you can endure it.   - 1 Corinthians 10:13

Creating a change in ones lifestyle is not easy.  And for me, it is not fast.  It's a painful, slow, difficult, and emotional process.  But that verse has provided me with quite a bit of strength, courage, and patience.  I am not expecting perfection out of myself. Just slow progress.

Last week I made major progress in cutting out nearly all sodas and switching back to waters and BCAA enhanced waters.
I also made progress in packing my lunches and EATING them! (I had such a bad habit of packing a lunch and then choosing not to eat it in favor of the bad-for-me-yum-yums from the cafeteria).
I also made progress in more regular workouts.

So what's on my list for this week?
Incorporating green tea into my daily consumption.

Why Green Tea?
"Green tea contains many good (and hard to pronounce) phytonutrient compounds that are able to interact with your metabolism at the level of your liver and fat cells.  Green tea helps women burn more fat, specifically from the lower body." - BeyondFit Physiques

Thursday, September 26, 2013

My body and my mind and my spirit are all tired.  Yet I'm wide awake, with the necessary energy to begin my day.  Which began 2.25hrs ago at 430am.  I've worked out, showered, packed my lunch, prepped for my exercise class that I'll teach in 45 mins, and then I'll head immediately to my 9-5 job where I will face a very busy day, working with patients who largely are not interested in getting better.

Does the last part of that sentence give you a clue about why I may be tired and burnt out?

Working with people who are tired, in pain, lazy, and full of excuses is draining.  It's draining to be their ray of sunshine 100%.  It's draining to be whatever it is that they need in every single instant -- whether that's tough love, compassion, or a listening ear.  It's draining to figure out what it is that they need in each instant.  I'm not a mother yet, but I believe I may be experiencing some similarities.  Except it's the work without the rewards of a cuddle of a child or a laugh of a child.

Working with alcoholics, schizophrenics, those that are depressed, those with fibromyalgia, those that are just plain lazy...  It's not easy, nor is it very rewarding.

Yet I have to find my drive.
I have to perform.

For at least 11 more months.