Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Okay, so I have like three blogs in one here! Differentiated by the different texts/colors.  Enjoy!

I had a fortune cookie the other day that said "Your love life will be happy and harmonious."  I laughed at the irony, as my love life has been everything but that.  Maybe it'll change.  ::Shrug::  Whatever.  It'll happen when it happens (if it happens lol).

Whew!  1.5 weeks to go of the condensed "Spring Semester" (2 classes condensed into one month -- I kid you not), then Summer School (4 classes over 2.5 months), then Fall Semester (I don't know what the class distribution will be like) followed by Spring Semester 2012 and graduation.  On one hand, the road seems so long.  On the other, I can't believe that this time next year I'll (hopefully) be a Physical Therapist Assistant!  Blows my mind.

Right now my schedule is both aiding and restricting me.  My normal day looks something like this:
-5am wake up
-6am: teach class at the Y or workout
-7am: shower, dress, drive to school, sit in parking lot and squeeze in a 20 minute Bible Study time (currently not directed, just reading various books of the Bible.  Currently on John and loving it!)
-8am-12pm: class (no breaks)
-12-1pm: lunch break (aka: shove food down throat while running any necessary errands, paying bills, paperwork for clinicals, studying, etc)
-1-5pm: class (no breaks)
-5-930pm: work at cato or the Y
-930-10pm: "brain break" -- only time I allow myself to facebook, email, catch up on tv online, etc.  It usually is just me sitting and not doing anything.
-10pm-1130pm: study hour
-1130-12am: collect school materials for next day, make all necessary "brown bag" meals (90% of the time I'm packing breakfast, lunch, and dinner), pack gym bag if necessary, charge iPod if necessary, straighten up apartment if time allows (not usually), brush teeth, shower if necessary
-12am: bed time/lights out (unless there's a test the next day and then bed time becomes more like 1am)

Rinse and Repeat.

So as you can imagine, my schedule aides me and restricts me.  I function better when I'm busy -- because I know my free time is limited I make that time count and don't procrastinate.  Because I can't procrastinate.  But it also restricts me -- I can't just go get things done at any time of the day I please.  I can't take my time and scrub the toilet and Magic Eraser my tub (what an amazing cleaning tool, by the way!).  I don't have time to devote to reading for pleasure (I barely have any time to study!); prime example, I got the June Cosmo in the mail today and let out a small moan, as I hadn't even been able to read the May Cosmo yet! And I'm more sleep deprived than ever.

But I have to say -- I have more pride in myself for what I'm doing right now than I think anything I've done yet.  I'm gaining a career, paying my own way through school (which can't be said of my ECU education; THANK YOU DAD & SCHOLARSHIPS!!!!!), working two jobs, staying active in church, and keeping a smile on my face.  Yes, it's community college.  But folks, because I am so responsible for everything connected to it (paying for it, studying for it, passing it, and getting a good job out of it), I am so much more focused on this than I ever was on Undergrad.

And yes; I cut my study hour short tonight.  I'll admit it.  But my brain needed a break and some sleep!  So I'm off to bed and am so excited at the thought of sleep!  Tomorrow will be a great day, I can't wait to see what we'll learn!!!

My friend Emily's husband comes home from deployment tomorrow!!!!  First time he's been home in 9 MONTHS!!!!!!!  I am so over joyed for her, that he is returning home unharmed.  Her husband is her world, and she was so lost without him.  I can't wait to see her continue to blossom back into herself when he returns.  :) :) :)  Praise be to God for this blessing for Emily, and for the blessing this is for me -- to observe a couple so deeply in love and so positive and supportive of each other and to participate in welcoming him home and into our church. 

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