Monday, January 9, 2012

Quiet Time after a Day of Gratitude

It's late... Too late for me to be up, actually.  School started back today, and it's my last semester of PTA school.  It's pretty incredible and I'm pretty incredulous that the time has gone by so quickly, that so much has happened, that I'm already here.  And yet, so much more is coming, and it's coming at the same lightning speed that the past year has gone: moving (again), finals, clinicals x2, graduation, national board exam, full time job.  All in 7 months time.  Wow.

And as I sit here in my bed under my electric blanket on this chilly and drizzly night with Pandora's Chris Tomlin station playing quietly in the background, I'm able to just absorb.  Absorb what has come, what is to come.  The greatness of God who makes everything come right.  Who protects.  Who guides.  Who comforts.  Who provides.

And today was no exception in the evidence of God's supreme hand.

My last post alluded to just how tight and how tough my budget is right now.  I'm starting back at the bottom, trying to build myself up to prepare for whatever next blow will come (because as Dave Ramsey says, it's not if, it's when).  But today, I received such an unexpected blessing (then again, aren't all blessings unexpected?).  Sunday I was asked to walk a dog by one of my Dog Sitting clients while they went out of town for the day.  I never expected to get paid, and in fact, when I went to walk sweet Sport (the dog), there was no payment.  But I was so happy to see Sport and take him out, that I didn't think twice about it.  Today?  Sport's Mom contacts me and asks me to drop by.  And she hands me $30.  For walking her dog.  I nearly cried.  They are so generous and good to me, and this came at such the perfect time -- when I'm at such a cross-roads that $30 makes that much of a difference.  When I got in my car to leave quaint downtown, all I could do was whisper prayers of thanks, appreciation, and gratitude through my tears.

God Provides.

After class today, I had to work.  So there I am, working on shipment, trying to get the new merchandise prepped and ready to be put out on the floor for sale, when my phone beeps.  Normally, my phone is on silent when I'm at work, so I go to put it on silent and notice that it's a text from Daniel: "Well my car is going to be in the shop.  Just got in a wreck. Yay."  When I was able to speak to him, the story was remarkable to me.  Daniel had been driving in a manner not usual to him -- instead of driving very aggressively and zippy, he was driving slower, with an increased following distance between him and the car in front of him on his way home.  Suddenly, the car in front of him slams on their brakes.  He in turn slams on his brakes, and has no traction.  He can't steer out of it -- a car is in the turning lane.  He has no option but to brace.  And they wreck.  Minimal damage to her car.  $1,800 to his.  But no one was hurt.  The cars didn't have to be towed.  Had he been driving aggressively (as is his norm) on the wet road, this story would have ended much differently.  Again, I offered my quiet prayers and full heart to the Lord.

God Protects.

Like everyday, I was reminded of the power of the Almighty.  But today especially I was demonstrated his supreme power.  To intervene.  

And all I can say is Amen.

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