Saturday, March 22, 2014

This weekend I was fortunate enough to take a mini get away trip with my roommate to a friends house in Fayetteville. Now many people may not be excited about a trip to Fayetteville, but when you have friends there who you haven't seen in TOO long, it's an exciting trip :) not to mention she has a cute 15 month old and another friend and her 10month old were there too. 

But anyway, we took an early morning walk today to enjoy this beautiful weather and we we're having an interesting discussion about female hormones, hunger, and weight/fat gain. 

My friend commented about how they'd recently put her back on birth control after having her son, and how she's had an insatiable appetite since. 

And I had a light bulb moment. Ever since they changed my birth control in January, I have had SUCH a difficult time managing my appetite, managing my cravings, and NEVER being satiated/full after a meal. No WONDER I haven't been able to lose any weight!! I've been so frustrated with my weight that I couldn't see past the situation and see the problem. 

So now I have an answer. Now I have an awareness. Now I can take control instead of letting my hormones take control of me. 

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