Sunday, March 30, 2014

Don't Let the Sun Go Down...

Today was a "Surprise Day." One of those days that don't go at all how you expect it to -- but in a good way.  I had to work today, and was dreading going "into the office."  Yet when I arrived I was greeted with a VERY abbreviated day.  And by abbreviated, I mean I spent only 2.5 hours at work.  Now the paycheck is going to stink, but what a gift of a surprise!!  I suddenly found that I had almost my entire Sunday back.

I was able to get in a run on the elliptical, pick up some vegetables at the grocery store, make progress on planning my wedding quilt, and then found myself wasting a good portion of the time that I had suddenly been gifted with.

And then came that nagging... I was supposed to be doing something with this time I was surprised with.  But what???

Then it dawned on me... I was supposed to be catching up on my Bible studies and sermons!  So in I dived... Listening to the podcasts of the sermons I'd missed recently and taking notes... Catching up on my reading in The Story for Bible Class tomorrow night and answering the questions in our study outline ahead of our meeting... And then, catching up on Ladies Group homework.

While the rest of the church is studying The Story, Ladies Group is doing a study on Ephesians.  Which brings me to one of the verses from this weeks assignment...

26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold. - Ephesians 4:26-27

At first read, I thought about the age old wisdom given to newly-wed couples about not going to bed angry.  But with further thought, these verses took on a deeper meaning.

In this passage, Paul is encouraging us to settle our disputes quickly so as to not let issues fester and grow and provide a way for the devil to enter in and rule our heart quickly.

But our issues aren't just relegated to arguments with others.  They include gluttony, greed, laziness as well! And any other issue -- sexual impurity, carelessness, a quick temper, a sharp tongue, etc.  But for the sake of this post, and my life, and my issues, I'm applying this verse to my struggle with weight.

I must settle my issues with gluttony, laziness, despair, frustration, lack of self worth, and self confidence.  Replace "anger" with any of those issues...

  • In my laziness, do not sin: do not let the sun go down while you are still lazy, and do not give the devil a foothold.
Whoa.  Lightbulb!
This verse is not just about anger or arguments between people.
It's also about each of our individual and unique struggles.

For if we let our struggle rule over us, we will sin and the devil will have a very unlocked door through which he may enter.

"Do not let the sun go down while you are still ___adjective/issue__..." Reminds us that each day we must make sure to win the battle.  "Do not let the sun go down while you are still lazy" reminds me that I must be productive, that I must do something active each and every day (ran three miles thanks to this reminder!), that I must tackle something on that to do list (cleaned the shower and sink thanks to this reminder!).

My mind has been opened to a whole new understanding with this verse.  And I'm so grateful that this verse was a part of my homework this week, as I'm working to invite God into this struggle.

I'm not going to let the devil rent space in this heart!  I'm raising the rent and kicking him OUT!

How are you applying this verse?  What adjective are you filling the blank with?

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