Thursday, June 14, 2012

Heart for Divorce

Tonight my heart breaks for all the wonderful, beautiful women I know that are going through divorce...  It seems to me that so many couples are going their separate ways this summer, and it just hurts.  I hurt for them -- for the fear, the pain, the unknown, the betrayal, the lost love, the lost stability.

It takes two to tango, but those who I know in these situations -- they're the ones my heart and prayers go out to.  For relief, healing, hope, and direction.  For the priceless gift of laughter each day as a break from their tears and frustrations.  To know that God loves them, and that they can do all things through Him.

It makes me scared of marriage.  It makes me question all of it.  It makes me wonder if the good couples are out there, and if Daniel and I will qualify as a "forever" or not.  You hear scorned men and women say "Never get married," and you wonder if you should take that advice or not...

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