Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Reminder of the Words "Thank You"

It's so easy to become bitter about serving others. About being disappointed that they did not appreciate the hard work you put in, the time you spent, the thought you applied towards serving someone.  That they didn't provide a big enough reaction (or sometimes you didn't even get a reaction at all, no acknowledgement, and not even a thank you via text).  Sooooo easy to be caught up in this.

Serving and giving to others of your time and talents is what we are supposed to do. (Romans 12:5-8) (Matthew 25:14-30) (Luke 6:38)  Just as we are not supposed to become riled up and angry (Ephesians 4:31).

But good LORD I had to really restrain myself tonight from reacting!  I went out of my way to surprise someone with a thoughtful handmade gift, and one week later still hadn't heard from them that they'd at least received it.  I called them and asked if they'd received it. Their response? "Oh yeah."

Oh yeah!!!! That's it?!?!?! I literally spent an hour arranging this and creating this and left the house early one morning so I could send it. And one week later, I still hadn't heard a peep.

I like being nice. I like doing things for others. I like surprising them and doing things that are tailored for the individual.  I don't do these acts for the "reward" of appreciation, but it's almost a slap in the face when I don't even get a text to say thank you.

What is WRONG with my generation?!  We need to learn some humility, gratitude, and appreciation for others.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

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