Thursday, January 9, 2014

Injuries and Speed Bumps

They say that things happen for a reason.  My Father in Heaven often constructs events that are for our benefit or for our humbling.  Well... I do believe He has struck again!

Tuesday night I completed my workout.  It was a less intense workout than the ones I usually complete, and I was using lighter weights than I usually use.  Not to mention I really wasn't motivated, meaning that I took more breaks than usual.

Yet after the workout, my left elbow began to bother me.  And it swelled up very quickly.  So I wrapped it with an ACE bandage and iced it on/off that evening and slowly/gently stretched the joint through a tolerable range of motion.  Then off I went to sleep.  In the morning, I woke up to an even more swollen elbow -- so swollen that my engagement ring couldn't fit onto my finger.  And oh the pain!!!

So I went to work.  And at 11am I had one of the OT's with 20 years experience check my elbow out to see if she agreed with my self diagnosis of a pronator teres strain.  She put me through some tests then pulled the PT with 40 years experience over for a second opinon.  Their concern?  An avulsion fracture.

So off to urgent care and xray I went.  Thankfully, the Xrays were negative for fracture, so the diagnosis was strain with possible ligament tear.  What does this mean?  No working out for a minimum of 2 weeks.

What does that mean?  I have to focus on my nutrition and hone in on eating right and eating tight.

Which is exactly what I have not been doing.

I have been completely neglecting my nutrition AGAIN and have gotten sucked down the path of "just this once" and "I've had such a bad day" and "I deserve this" and "I'll eat right for the rest of the day."

So although being injured SUCKS, this may have happened because God KNOWS that I need to perfect my nutrition.

Tomorrow is a new day, filled with new mercies and a blank page.  Taking a deep breath, because this could get rough.  Buh-bye diet pepsi.  Tootles morning muffin.  Sianora grilled cheeses.  This is going to get really rough.

God is calling me close.  Offering his help and support.  I just need to reach out and figure out how to both accept and use his help.

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