Monday, January 2, 2012


Well, its the first day f the new year, and my main resolution, making and keeping to a budget, has already been challenged.  I received a letter frm the IRS saying I owed them almost the entire contents of my savings account. Due the 11th.  This knocks my savings down to about $95.  Sighhhhh.

Oh.  AND I start the new year SICK!  The fastest way to rack up some extra grocery shopping bills?  Getting sick.  I've already blown through two bottles of apple juice!  Thank the Lord I already had some NyQuill and DayQuill in stock or that would have been another $20 down the tubes.

But despite this, I am doing my damnedest to stay on budget.  There are a lot of online tools (Dave Ramsey,, etc), but I really feel like I have more control if I do it myself the old fashioned way -- with pen and paper.  I'm also considering going to the Dave Ramsey method of cash envelopes per category.  Just going to try and get through January.  I hope that February will come easier.  But if it doesn't, I don't know what I'm going to do... Because people let me tell you: making minimum wage and going to school and sticking to a budget is TOUGH.

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