I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about what my priorities are. Where I'm spending my time. If it's beneficial to me. And I've come to many conclusions and taken a few steps in a different direction.
I had already mentioned that I will be leaving the Y. Thursday is my last day as a class instructor, then I'll have another week of Personal Training. And then all my responsibilities will be fulfilled and I can breathe from that.
I decided to request a more local clinical assignment so that I won't be logging so many miles, burning so much gas, and stretching myself so thin. This is sad because I won't be able to stay with the boy during my clinical, but financially--it's the right decision.
I also decided to step down as Class President. When my classmates are snapping at me, basically making demands on me, when I've been sick as a dog for a week -- well, that was kind of the last straw today. They're all eager to jump down my throat but they are not in the least bit interested in putting in any work or time. So I am stepping down. One less responsibility.
So soon, I will only have school and Cato. I am looking forward to actually being able to go home after class. I'm not saying that I'll be more productive (I'll still probably procrastinate my homework until I have to burn the candles), but I'll be able to breathe, clean, shower, and get my life in order at my own pace.
I have also realized that I have been slack in taking care of myself. I am not feeding it properly. I am not exercising at all. A few of the girls in class are doing Zumba after class 3x a week, so I'm going to try and go to that regularly. And I'm also considering joining Gold's Gym. I have no ties to that gym -- I don't know anyone who works there or who goes there. Which will be nice. I feel like I'm constantly being watched at the Y. AND they have Body Pump and Body Step classes, which I love. (and which the Y does not have). They also have Zumba, core classes, and yoga. I don't know... I'll have to look into fees, but it's just something that I've been thinking about this week. Because I really need to get back to taking the time to take care of myself.
I just want some peace. It's been missing for too long.
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