I like to live. To See. To Do. To Explore. To Experience. To travel. I like to have nice things (note: not outlandish or super expensive), a peaceful home, a haven. I like to give to others, to make those I love know that I treasure them - whether that be by surprising them with a gift or picking up their tab from time to time or going out of my way to see them/spend time with them.
I work dang hard for these things. I skimp and save and work extra shifts and work extra jobs. I work extremely hard so that later I can relax, take some time off, or enjoy something that I was able to attain because of my hard work. I do not work glamorous jobs. I am not on track to be a millionaire or a CEO (no thank you!). But I make my life work, I make my ends meet, and I enjoy more financial freedom at my age than most (thank you Dave Ramsey!).
Discipline. Work Ethic. Determination. Goal setting. Budgets. Faith. They all work together.
I live a simple life. But I make the most of it.
And I get so ill when people my age (or older than me) decide to whine about their station. That instead of hustling and taking whatever jobs they can find, they decide those jobs are "beneath" them and there's "something better" and "they'll pass" and "wait for something better." Well folks, I'm just going to say it. If you ain't got a job, ANY job is better than what you got. You can build on that "lowly" job. You can advance and grow from that "lowly" job. That "lowly" job may assist you in networking with other professionals and open doors that you can't find on a job posting website. That "lowly" job will provide you with more income and dignity and self-respect than no job ever can.
I want to shake my peers who don't get this. Bills don't stop. Demands don't stop. You need that job. Whether you like it or not.
And while you're working that "lowly" job, here's an idea: BETTER YOURSELF WHILE YOU'RE WORKING. Take training classes that will help train you and help open doors for jobs you dream of. Scrimp and save and live simply. Be content with being broke -- because being broke forces you to learn how to live responsibly, in your means, to prioritize, to make choices, to work harder, to appreciate things more.
But above all -- quit whining. No one cares or feels sorry for you. Life happens. Sometimes you do it to yourself. Sometimes it's unfair. But guess what? We all have situations like that. We all have to deal with it. We all have to put on our big girl panties, deal with it, and move on.
So put in the application. Take a deep breath. We don't look down on you for doing what you have to do. In fact, I admire that.
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