I had the blessing of hosting my Sister and Dad this past weekend... It was a visit long overdue and it was exactly what I needed. I love these two people so much, and we had such a good time. We took a road trip to Beaufort for lunch one day, campfires, cookouts, and lots of really good food and really good beer. :) Daniel came and got to meet them. I think they responded well to him, and he to they. I was glad that my family got to meet him, but it was also kind of startling: it kind of made me realize how serious Daniel and I are going... Exciting in that I've been wanting/looking for this. Scary because it could actually be happening.
And I think he's feeling the same way... I feel like we're kind of distant as a result of the nerves. He's been burned, I've been burned. Neither of us want to be burned again...
Take it easy. Take it slow. Enjoy the moment. Be sure to spend time apart as well as together.