War. I do not like it. I wish it would end -- America has been at war with multiple foes since I was in high school -- over five years. Five years of fighting, financial strain, military strain, countless deaths, fear, and an increase in mental illnesses associated with war.
Finally, there is a light at the end of the tunnel with Iraq. US forces are diminishing in their number and in their role in this tumultuous country. Although we are not out of Iraq, and probably never will be (similar to Korea), the fact is that we aren't so much at war any longer -- we are at stabalization in Iraq. A pill much easier swallowed by the troops and their loved ones and the American people.
So the only pot on the stove we really had left to monitor was Afghanistan. Where fighting has stayed as intense as it has been for several years, with Al Queida strengthening and the fight very much at a standstill due to the gurella war tactics of Al Queida.
But before we can even re-focus the media attention on Afghanistan, we have begun air strikes against Libya. Libya, a country in the middle of a civil war where the citizens are trying to topple their government following the leads of Egypt and other Arab nations. Yes, what Gadhafi was doing was wrong. But another war? My heart breaks to hear of US military action in this country. It breaks for the soldiers who just came home and may be facing another deployment. It breaks for the forces who are already overseas -- will they (and Chris) be required to stay longer and move from their current posts to posts in Libya?? It breaks for the US state of financial insecurity -- for the further debt we will incur from operations and potential war/ground forces in Libya. It breaks for the safety of the Libyan people and the "broad coalition" that Obama describes (yet only consists of USA, Canada, England, & France. The Arab nations that "support" this effort haven't even gone public with their support!) that is now out fighting on behalf of the Libyans.
I have a understanding of how the United States came about -- by rebelling like the Libyans are and receiving aid from a foreign country (France) to win that war. And without France we would likely have lost that war. And I understand that in this situation (and in Afghanistan and Iraq), we are their France. But we have already gone to the aid of the peoples of two other countries in my lifetime. Not to mention the aid we lent in Korea and Vietnam (which are a whole 'nother topic indeed). Why must we add a third country to our list?
Yes. Oil. Economy (keeping those contractors in business is important for the US economy). Widening political influence and dependence. Humanitarian aid to the innocents of Libya (although how much this particular reason played into the decision to bomb could be contested -- I am sure other reasons weigh heavier than the responding to the outcry of the Libyans. Otherwise we would be involved in the real humanitarian needs of the world with our military).
I am just so sick of war.
I don't want to have to worry that Chris might get sent to this. I just want our men and women home. Including mine. Safely, alive, and well.
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