Thursday, December 30, 2010

Amazing What a Little Comment Can Start

I was facebook chatting with my Dad yesterday, and he made a comment: "Well the next time you visit, we'll go to [Holme's Hot Dogs]".  And I thought to myself Man, it's been forever since I've gone to visit Dad.  I really need to see about planning a visit.

So I get on Google and look up driving distance.  A 7.5 fucking hour long drive!  And I realized there's no way I'll be able to visit him anytime soon.  It's just too far. 

And that got me to thinking -- I am so far away from all of my family.  I don't mind being on my own and doing my own thing, but at this point in my life, I'm feeling a very strong draw to be closer to my family.  So I started googling driving distances...

Dad: 7.5 hour drive (he takes the cake)
Nanny and Papa: 4.5 hour drive
Aunt Genny: 6 hour drive
Mom: 6 hour drive
Meghan: 3.5 hour drive
Aunt Pam: 3 hour drive
Suja, Kelley: 3.5 hour drive
Stacey: 2.25 hour drive

I'm just too far away from everyone that I care about.  And the only thing that has me here is a program that's having some delays getting started because of accredidation.  I hate to be that girl, but if they can't get this program together in April like they promised, I'm out of here.

I'm going "home" to Greensboro and apply to attend the (already accredited) PTA program at Guilford Technical Community College and live in a 2 br (cheaper rent and utilities!) apartment with my sister, who also plans to attend GTCC in the fall.

This is my back up plan.  And honestly, I kind of hope that the back up plan becomes the primary plan.  I miss my family.  I hate being so far away.  Living with my sister will, of course, provide some challenges.  But it will make it financially easier on my Dad, we'll be happier to have a roommate, and I'll be happier being closer to family (driving distances to everyone will be cut by at LEAST 1.5 hours!). 

I don't want to bail on the PTA program at Craven CC, but they have honestly put me in a terrible position and I've lost a lot of respect and drive for participating in this program.  I'm even considering dropping my spring audit courses to get a full refund (I honestly just can't afford pointless classes right now!  And getting that $500 back to pay off on the credit card would sure be nice).

If I did the GTCC thing, I would have wasted a year.  Another reason why I'm nervous to bail on CCC.  Instead of being done 2012, It will be 2013.  ::sigh::  That scares me.  A lot.

But I just don't know if I'm happy here...  And the thought of moving back to Greensboro, closer to everyone, living with Meghan, has me so pumped.

Time will tell.  Maybe I can transfer from CCC to GTCC...  Who knows.  But it's amazing that such a little comment that Dad made has sparked all this.


Well I shared my back up plan with Dad.  He didn't seem to pleased to hear me say that Meghan and I were considering living together (more rent, more bills).  He suggested that I also move to Seneca SC into his 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apt with him and Meghan and drive 1.5 hours into NC for school in Sylva or Cullowhee.

I understand why he would want me to move in with him.  And normally, it would be a great idea to me as well.  But I'm not okay with not having any personal space.  And a 3 hour (round trip) commute each day for school???  That hardly seems economical.

So now I feel like he doesn't think my back up plan is a good one.  Like he sees it as just another money sucker.

But WCU has a DPT program.  Applications are due Feb 1.  So I'm going to bust my butt and apply for the DPT program as well as the PTA programs in Sylva and Jamestown.

Oh; and I'm dropping my classes that I was going to audit.  Going to go for the full refund.  Pay some off the credit card.

So now I'm just really confused...  ::sigh::

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