Sunday, October 10, 2010

Meeting Goals

Today was a great day.  A tiring day (it's only 5:15pm and I could go to bed right now), but a great day.  Today I met one of my goals -- I ran a 5K.  I kept trying to come up with excuses to not go, because it intimidated me.  I'm not a very good runner, and I'm not super competitive.  I enjoy jogging on my own everyday (I average 2.5-2.75 miles per run), but races?  They're for fast runners.  Not for me. 

But I got up this morning, and did it.  Not only did I just do it, but I did well!  I only paused for a walk once, and after that, it was a steady pace all the way to the finish line.  And I came in first for my age division!  Granted there were only three of us in the division, but still... That's pretty exciting for chunky me!

So I received a giant purple Mum plant as a prize (it was the Mum Fest 5K, so the prize is quite appropriate).  And I'm really proud of myself.  For going out there and doing it, and finishing with flair, and for not being the last person to cross the finish line.

I am also continuing to attend church and Small Group (our version of "Sunday School"), and they're continuing to enrich my life.  So two goals have been met, and I can honestly say that they were really good goals for me to make!  I'm hooked on church, and on running 5K's now.  :) 

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