What is self love?
This seems to be a concept that is growing ever present in this world of emotional awareness. I don't really remember as a kid talking about self love. We just called it being confident. But there seems to be a difference between the two when people talk about them.
I can't say that I understand either one. At least, not in the way this world uses them. I'm confident in my God and in his promises and in his truth. And I'm confident that he will guide my steps and open the right doors. But that's about all I'm confident in.
And self love? What is that? I've heard it described as being kind to yourself. Gracious to yourself. Patient with yourself. Loving parts and pieces of yourself so that you love your whole self. Yeah, no. I definitely don't understand this. And so therefore I dont' have it.
I watched the first episode of Fit to Fat to Fit tonight. There's a lot about this show that I disagree with, concerns me, and I can't endorse trainers putting their bodies through such extremes. But I also completely admire what they're doing. And in the first episode, Ray (trainer) talks about how JJ has zero self love at the beginning of his journey.
Maybe self love means respecting yourself enough to make the right choices (eating right, working out, the right attitude, etc). Maybe self love means believing in yourself that you can be successful.
I was so moved and inspired by JJ's transformation. His determination. And of course then came the comparison game. I am so detached from myself. I have zero connection with who I want to be and what goals I want to accomplish in my health/fitness. How can a trainer even reach that point? Of being so unfocused and undisciplined... And on top of that, how can a trainer not even know where to begin or what to do to change that?