Thursday, December 31, 2015

Comfort Zone

I really have no idea why, but this year, as 2015 comes to a close and 2016 rises on the horizon, I can NOT get enough dreaming... Dreaming about just how different 2016 is going to be, and how I really failed at 2015...

2015 was a year where I was determined to stay in my comfort zone.  
And 2016 is already all about me leaving my comfort zone.

Which really makes me excited.  I can't stop imagining what I can accomplish in 2016 with this mindset.  

I'm going to start 2016 with a vision board... Will post pictures later!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


It's hard for me to believe that 2015 is already coming to a close.  Just a couple more days and we will ring in a new year.  There's something about 2016 that has me buzzing.  That has me really excited.  It is going to be a BIG year for me.  I just know that it is.  Big changes.  Big dreams.  Big trips.

To begin with, I am finally going to do something I've been too scared to do for too long.  I'm going to start a little business, where I sell the things I make.  I've always been a crafty person, and it's ridiculous that I haven't tried to take these skills and interests to the next level for a little extra spending money.  So I have begun the process -- I've purchased business cards, I've begun researching products that sell, and I have a business call tomorrow evening with a successful online entrepreneur who will help give me some direction on navigating the policies, shipping, and set up of my online shop.  I'm actually really excited about this business venture.  Even if I don't make a ton of money, it will be fun an exciting to even start!

I am also starting a new job in the new year.  After a year and a half of commuting 1 hour each way, I will finally have local employment.  It's not in my field, but I am 100% totally at peace with this change, and am looking forward to how it will grow me.  As a result of the fact that the employment will be local, I'm really looking forward to actually being able to become invested in my community.  Getting involved.  Having a social life.  Being able to get on a schedule where I can workout, clean, and enjoy life a little bit more!

We are also making HUGE strides in our lifestyle.  We have already cut out a ton of crap from our diet, and are already seeing major results.  So we know that this will only continue with more success in the new year!  I am so excited to feel better, be healthier, and be more confident.

I also have several events in the first half of the year that I am really looking forward to.  Two women's conferences (which are always such a boost to my spiritual life), an awesome Broadway play (LION KING!!!), and a big big trip to Las Vegas with one of my girlfriends.

Then, in the middle of the summer, I will become an aunt!!  I'm already buzzing about what I want to make for my first niece or nephew (I'm thinking nephew)... So many options!

And then, towards the end of the year, we have hopes and prayers that another dream will come to fruition.  But there's no telling about that... That's up to the good Lord and His timing.

So yeah... 2016 already is going to be huge for me.  And I'm so excited about all of it!  So ready!
What a Christmas Season...

My Dad came and visited for an extended weekend just after my birthday, which was really nice. He got to see the house for the first time, and we had a great time spending some time together and enjoying some of our favorite small town activities (like a living drive through nativity at one of the country churches).

Shortly after Dad left, I came down with a serious bug. I'm beginning to believe that my body thinks that Christmas is the perfect time to get sick, because I'm pretty sure this is the third year in a row that I've been sick on Christmas.  As a result, I missed ALL of the Hineses Christmas gatherings/events, which was a huge disappointment.

But it only got worse.  I got sicker and sicker until I finally had to throw in the towel, call out sick over my assigned weekend to work (which I have never done before), and went to urgent care. Two hours later, I left with a prescription for prednisone, an antibiotic, and codine syrup.  Two days later I'm feeling better (the sinus pressure is down, I can actually hear out of my ears, and I don't push tears out of my eyes every time I try to blow my nose), but definitely still not at 100%.  Just folding my laundry and making the bed left me sweating.  But I'm going to head into work this afternoon, simply because I feel terrible for not being there.

Despite the fact that I missed a lot of the Christmas festivities and have been sick as a dog, I can't help but have a heart that is overflowing with gratitude.  Gratitude for the generosity of our friends and families with their gifts (hello new Shark vacuum and some significant cash that will allow us to get the stumps in the back yard ground down to eventually make way for a fence for Cooper). I'm overwhelmed by the biggest gift of all, the biggest sacrifice of all -- Jesus.  A child born King.  King of the world, king of hearts, our savior.  What a gift he is...

Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Little Something Nice

I spend my entire week wearing scrubs and workout clothing. So on the weeks where I get to go to church, I really enjoy dressing up.  Showing up to Gods House in style. Giving him special treatment in how I present myself in his House.  I don't always dress up.  But I thoroughly enjoy it when I do!  When I dress up, I put on full make up, heels and a dress, curl my hair, spritz on perfume, and donn fancy jewelry that my family or husband have given me.  And in my fancy clothes, I almost always feel a bit out of place.  People my age don't dress up.  I'm almost always over dressed.  And I think that's a pure shame.  That my generation doesn't take advantage of special occasions or of Sunday's to pull out finer clothing.

God doesn't care what you wear. I know this. And many Sundays I'm glad for it -- when I show up in my jeans and t-shirts. But there is something about looking nice that changes how you carry yourself, how you respect yourself, and thus how you treat others.

I wish more of my generation would dress up and embrace "fancy."

Who Is on the Throne of your Heart?

I've gotten to the point where I'm okay about going to church alone, without my husband, when he's working.  At first I hated going alone.  I hated that I didn't have anyone "with" me.  But I got to looking around one service, and realized just how many women were there on their own.  So this morning, I went to church. Alone.  And it was a good thing I did.  The sermon was relatively short and straight forward, only two scripture references.  But Pastor Aaron said something at the end of the sermon that really rocked me.

We all worship at the throne of some system.  But the problem is that many times Jesus isn't on that throne.  It doesn't matter if you've been saved for a month or for thirty years -- it's a daily decision to put Jesus on your throne.

You could have knocked me over with a feather.  Was this some grand revelation? Not really. But boy was it a grand conviction on my heart.

Immediately after this point, Pastor Aaron took us into a time of prayer. Asking us to let God reveal to us what was on our hearts, asking us to let God reveal who was truly on our throne.  And the tears rolled -- big fat tears down the sides of my face. Jesus nor God had been on my throne for some time. And I hadn't even realized it. My husband was on the throne. The To Do List was on the throne. The Christmas Presents were on the throne. The Budget and getting out of debt was on the throne. The negativity of my surroundings was on the throne.  And during those few moments, God helped me take them off the throne.  To clear the seat for the King.

How quickly our priorities shift.  And how sneakily they shift - with us barely realizing it.

The sermon was awesome.  I highly recommend that you watch the service. Even When It Hurts is the title of the series, and this week was part 4 of the series, which will be posted early this week.

25 “All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14: 25-27